Welcome to the Thy Kingdom Come website. We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting your personal data. This privacy and cookie policy tells you how we deal with your personal data, your privacy and other various rights you have when you use this site or supply information to us.
- We will only use your contact information to contact you regarding Thy Kingdom Come. We will only contact you via email.
- Your name and email address will be stored securely in line with EU regulations in our account on www.mailchimp.com.
- We will not sell your data or share your data with any third parties.
- Your location data is only used to place your light on the map, you can opt out of a light being displayed by ticking the appropriate box when signing up. It is not possible to zoom in close enough on the map to show precise locations.
- You can opt out of receiving our email communications at any time. This can be done by clicking the link at the bottom of any email you receive from us, or you can email us at thykingdomcome@lambethpalace.org.uk.
- If you wish for us to delete all of your data that we hold, this can also be done at anytime by emailing thykingdomcome@lambethpalace.org.uk.
Download the full policy below.