Thy Kingdom Come 2025 - 29th May - 8th June
This year we're very excited to be celebrating the 10th year of Thy Kingdom Come!
We'll have all of the usual resources and videos as well as some special anniversary content! Sign up to our mailing list and keep an eye on our socials to be kept up-to-date with all that's happening.
Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.
Since it began in May 2016, God has grown TKC from a dream of possibility into a movement which unites more than a million Christians in prayer, in nearly 90% of countries worldwide, across 85 different denominations and traditions- so that friends and family, neighbours and colleagues might come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Every person, household and church are encouraged to pray during the 11 days in their own way.
It is our hope & prayer, that those who have not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love for the world, will hear it for themselves and respond and follow Him.
Specifically, we again invite each and every Christian across the globe to pray that God’s Spirit might work in the lives of 5 people who have not responded with their ‘Yes’ to God’s call.
Whether you have joined in ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ before or not, we invite you to take part & join in.

‘Thy Kingdom Come is about prayer: praying for those on our hearts, praying for those who don’t know Jesus - to find him, praying for our Church as we seek to be simpler, humbler and bolder. I pray for you too.'

‘I really want to encourage churches, disciples, everyone, to get together in their locality and pray; Thy Kingdom Come.’

‘I have been blessed to be part of Thy Kingdom Come for two years and it really is a time for us to stand and pray together… to put our petitions before God for ourselves, for our churches, our communities and our world.’

‘To pray is to share every part of yourself and your life with God. To pray together is to share our lives with God and in the work of God; moving closer to God, to each other and the world. Let us pray together Thy Kingdom Come.’

'Celebrating Thy Kingdom Come the Church proclaims Christ’s hope to a world in need / Celebrando Venhoa o Teu Reino a Igreja proclama a Esperança de Cristo a um mundo necessitado. Thy Kingdom Come commits the Church to share the joy and the beauty of Jesus Christ / Venha o Teu Reino compromete a Igreja a partilhar a alegria e a beleza de Cristo.'

‘Please join us in this drive to pray together for the gift of God’s spirit for our mission. We know how rich Pentecost is in the life of the church from the very beginning.’

'Thy Kingdom Come is simple and transformational. Every year it unites us with Christians across the globe in praying for people to know Jesus. At St Paul's Cathedral we found that our community was equipped to reach out with greater boldness to share their own stories of faith with friends, colleagues and family. Join us in prayer for TKC!'