If you are only ready to taste and see this year, we would love to invite you to join our online prayer sessions from different chapels and Churches around the country or come along to experience a 24/6 prayer room in a Catholic context at our Sion Community House in Brentwood, Essex. These are open to anyone and everyone who would like to join us in prayer. It has been a humbling discovery to find out that not only are others blessed when we pray for them, but that the Holy Spirit turns up the luminosity on the light of Christ within us as well.
“I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” Isaiah 49:6
This morning, before I sat down to write to you, someone who prays for me daily sent the passage above. I felt sure that it was an encouragement and a promise that I should share with you as we prepare to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit this year. May the Lord ignite, kindle or restore His light within you as you take a step of faith and entrust your loved ones to him.